Safety, accuracy and quality in the services offered.

Pumps and valves recovery center (service center) that allows the perfect reconstruction of the equipment in a record time.

We ensure the punctuality, safety, accuracy and quality in the services offered.
REVAL keeps a pump and valve recovery center (service center) that allows a perfect reconstruction of the equipment in a record time.
This recovery includes the parts replacement, blast and painting. We do all the service that can comprise equipment’s withdraw from the piping system in your plant, shipment to our facilities, recovery and mounting in the system. We ensure the punctuality, safety, accuracy and quality in the services offered.
REVAL technical assistance counts with qualified employees and a solid structure, as well as a very expressive stock of spare parts to solve any emergencies of its customers.
We perform pumps and valves maintenance agreements (maintenance outsourcing); pumps and valve reform agreements (scheduled interruptions); supervision, optimization and mounting of pumps and valves in the field, start-up, inspection and test in the plant.

With innovative solutions, sustainable solutions and, mainly, valuing people, Reval conquered its space in the market. Nowadays, it is recognized by the excellence in the provision of valves, slurry pumps and rubber artifacts for the mining and steel making segment.
Toyota Street, 175 - Jardim Piemont
Betim , CEP: 32689-354