REVAL conquered, in August, 2005, an important acknowledgement to its Quality Management System (QMS): the international certification at ISO 9001 rule.
REVAL’s QMS has been increasing the communication process with its employees by means of meetings for the deployment of the guidelines traced by the Board of Directors. Thus, it promotes the involvement with the strategic, tactical and operational level.
Aiming to keep company’s continuity, the Strategic Planning (BSC methodology) has been implemented to define the actions required to the medium and long term, being the planning essential for REVAL’s success.
REVAL Bombas e Válvulas, Maintenance, Trade and Industry Ltda. aims to strive for excellence in the manufacture, maintenance and trade of slurry pumps and valves, spare parts and rubber articles, in the mining and steel industries in Brazil and South America. Top Management is committed to:
Meet applicable requirements, establish, maintain and improve an enabling environment for continuous improvement;
Seek continuous customer satisfaction;
Work with high levels of quality, productivity and profitability;
Promote security actions;
Implement sustainability actions;
Develop actions for a good working environment for its employees.

With innovative solutions, sustainable solutions and, mainly, valuing people, Reval conquered its space in the market. Nowadays, it is recognized by the excellence in the provision of valves, slurry pumps and rubber artifacts for the mining and steel making segment.
Toyota Street, 175 - Jardim Piemont
Betim , CEP: 32689-354